To reduce risk and damage from landslides through the implementation of mitigation measures and enhancement of policy and regulation associated with landslide management, and to enhance the capacity of Sri Lanka to respond to the urgent medical needs. [The second part of the objective to address urgent medical needs was added through a project change in July 2022].
The Project consists of five components:
1. Implementation of landslide mitigation measures, including field investigation, detailed designs, construction and supervision/management of civil works implementation to mitigate landslide risk in landslide-prone sites;
2. Strengthening of policy, standards and institutional capacity related to landslide risk;
3. Provision of essential facilities and laboratory equipment;
4. Technical support and project management; and
5. Emergency health [This component is added through the project change in June 2022].
For more information about project financing, please review the project summary.
Applicable Policy and Categorization. AIIB’s Environmental and Social Policy (ESP 2019), including the Environment and Social Standards (ESSs), applies to the proposed project. In accordance with the ESP, the Project has been classified as Category B, considering that: (i) the general environmental and social (E&S) impacts of the landslide mitigation works are localized, and the impacts are not irreversible; (ii) there are mature engineering technologies for mitigation and protection; (iii) there is solid in-house expertise and management capacity for environmental and social issues in the National Building Research Organization (NBRO); and (iv) NBRO has experience working on similar projects funded by the national government and other MDBs.
E&S Aspects: The main E&S risks anticipated include (i) environmental impacts occurring during construction; and (ii) potential land acquisition and resettlement impacts during project implementation. To mitigate these risks, NBRO prepared an Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) and a Social Management and Resettlement Planning Framework (SMRPF) for the entire Project. ESMF and the SMRPF, in English and in the national languages (Sinhala and Tamil), were disclosed on November 16, 2018 on the NBRO’s website (see this link) and on November 22, 2018 on AIIB’s website (see this link). Additionally, site specific Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMPs) for the sites to be supported by the project have been prepared and disclosed, in English, Sinhala and Tamil on NBRO’s website (see link1 and link2).
Project Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM). A GRM is operational to register feedback/grievance from the project-affected people (PAPs) and redress their concerns in a stipulated time frame. The GRM is accessible to all PAPs including contracted project workers. Information on the GRM and applicability of AIIB’s Project-affected People’s Mechanism (PPM) was provided during the socialization of the ESMPs. Feedback/grievance boxes are available at each District Office. Alternatively, users are invited to submit their feedbacks/grievances in writing, by e-mail, by telephone, through the project’s website, and in person (through the contractors or members of the local governments). Contact details are published on the Project’s website.
Component 5 being implemented by the Ministry of Health (MOH). The established Project Management Unit of the Asian Development Bank (ADB)’s Health System Enhancement Project (HSEP) will also implement this component. The Emergency Health Component supports the procurement of medicines and medical supplies, which are finished products and have minimal or no significant adverse E&S impacts. As such, the Project category remains unchanged, and no new E&S instruments were prepared for the Emergency Health Component. Potential complaints related to Component 5 will be handled by the existing GRM under MOH.
Sashikala Gunasekara
Deputy Director - China & AIIB Division
Department of External Resources
Ministry of Finance, Economic Stabilization and National Policy
Asiri Karunawardena
Director General, NBRO
Anil Dissanayke
Project Director, Project Management Unit of Health System Enhancement Project, Ministry of Health
Home Projects Project Summary Project List Project Details Sri Lanka: Reduction of Landslide Vulnerability by Mitigation Measures (RLVMM) Project