The objectives are to increase the safety and functionality of existing dams in selected locations and strengthen the operation and management capacity for dam safety. Direct beneficiaries of the project include those directly dependent on the water from the dams under the project as well as those populations in downstream areas that would be at risk in the case of dam failure.
The project will build upon the Government’s experience in preparation and implementation of the earlier phase of the program, which was successfully implemented, to develop a portfolio management approach across its dam and reservoir sectors. The key focus will be in five major components namely:
(i) Dam Operational Improvement and Safety Works and Studies
Supports physical works in rehabilitations, instrumentations and strengthening of the dam systems such as sedimentation management, instrumentation repair and rehabilitation of upstream/downstream water systems.
(ii) Operations and Maintenance Improvement and Capacity Building
Provides for strategic level studies, contingency plans and procedures for large dams; preparation of operational and maintenance plans; dams and reservoirs management plans; and emergency procedures.
(iii) Reservoir Sedimentation Mitigation
Supports (a) corrective measures such as dredging, flushing & diversion, check dams, etc., and (b) watershed management, environmental services, etc.
(iv) Dam Safety Institutional Improvement
Supports the preparation and regulatory documents and procedures for dam safety; strengthening of the institutions in monitoring, data processing and inspections of dams and reservoirs managed by Ministry of Public Works; and staff training in dam monitoring and operations.
(v) Project Management
Project management support to the implementation units for timely and effective delivery of the Project including monitoring and evaluation, procurement, financial management, safeguard monitoring, etc.
For more information about project financing, please review the project summary.
The Bank has decided to use the World Bank’s (WB) Environmental and Social Safeguard Policies (Safeguard Policies) since (i) they are consistent with the Bank’s Articles of Agreement and materially consistent with the provisions of the Bank’s Environmental and Social Policy and relevant Environmental and Social Standards; and (ii) the monitoring procedures that the WB has in place to ascertain compliance with its Safeguard Policies are appropriate for the Project. Under the WB’s Safeguard Policies, the Project has been assigned Category B. The Project will not finance any new dam construction and is focused on the rehabilitation of existing dams and their associated structures, along with improved safety measures. The physical rehabilitation of these dams and associated structures will be carried out in situ and mainly limited to improving operations. The Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) for the project has been disclosed on the WB website:
Scenaider C.H. Siahaan
Director of Loans and Grants, Directorate General of Budget Financing and Risk Management
Ministry of Finance
Republic of Indonesia
Agung Djuhartono
Director of Operations and Maintenance, Ministry of Public Works & Housing (DG Water Resources)
Home Projects Project Summary Project List Project Details Indonesia: Dam Operational Improvement and Safety Project Phase II