1.1   The overriding objective of this Directive on Public Information (Directive) is to establish procedures designed to ensure that the Policy on Public Information (PPI) of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (Bank) is effectively and efficiently implemented. The implementation and interpretation of this Directive shall seek to give effect to this overriding objective.


2.1   The triggers for the disclosure of certain information For purposes of the PPI, information means all information held by AIIB that can be read and communicated physically and electronically in any form or format. by the Bank are set forth in the Annex to this Directive, which provides a list of the documents that are proactively disclosed.

2.2   Exercising the delegated authority of the President, the Director General of the Bank’s Communications Department (DG COM) shall be primarily responsible for implementing the proactive disclosure of information For purposes of the PPI, information means all information held by AIIB that can be read and communicated physically and electronically in any form or format. by the Bank, with inputs from other Business Units, as defined in the Directive on Business Continuity within their respective areas of responsibility, in accordance with the PPI. All Bank Personnel shall cooperate with the DG COM in this regard. The DG COM shall also prepare and submit to the President, advised by the Executive Committee, a draft of the PPI Quarterly Report described in Section 12 of the PPI. In circumstances of the legitimate interests protected by the PPI being finely balanced, the DG COM shall be assisted by a Working Group including representatives of the President’s Office and Policy and Strategy and Investment Operations Vice Presidencies. The Working Group shall take decisions based upon consensus. If consensus cannot be reached among the members, the matter shall be finally decided by the DG COM.

2.3   Management Committees may, in consultation with the DG COM, recommend to the President to override an exception to the PPI’s disclosure requirements (i.e., Positive Override) and override the proactive disclosure requirements (i.e., Negative Override). Upon such recommendation, the President shall decide whether to approve a proposed Positive Override and shall recommend to the Board of Directors (BOD) whether or not to approve a proposed Negative Override.


3.1   Each initial request to the Bank by an external party for disclosure of information For purposes of the PPI, information means all information held by AIIB that can be read and communicated physically and electronically in any form or format. shall be submitted to the Communications Department through the Bank’s website via an electronic request form. Any other request to the Bank does not constitute a valid request for this purpose. The request shall indicate with reasonable specificity the information For purposes of the PPI, information means all information held by AIIB that can be read and communicated physically and electronically in any form or format. that is being sought to enable the Bank to locate the information For purposes of the PPI, information means all information held by AIIB that can be read and communicated physically and electronically in any form or format.. Requests shall be submitted in English.

3.2   Responses by the Bank, including information For purposes of the PPI, information means all information held by AIIB that can be read and communicated physically and electronically in any form or format. the Bank decides to disclose, shall be transmitted to the requesterAny person or organization that requests for information from AIIB through the appropriate channel via AIIB’s electronic request form, by mail or via email. in the same format as the request unless the requesterAny person or organization that requests for information from AIIB through the appropriate channel via AIIB’s electronic request form, by mail or via email. stipulates a different format in the request.

3.3   The Bank shall: (a) acknowledge receipt of the initial request not later than five Working DaysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). (as defined below) following its receipt of the request; (b) decide whether or not to grant the request not later than 30 Working DaysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). following its receipt of the request or, if a delay is expected, provide an explanation within this 30 Working DayFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). period; and (c) if the DG COM decides that the informationFor purposes of the PPI, information means all information held by AIIB that can be read and communicated physically and electronically in any form or format. requested cannot be disclosed under the PPI, the requesterAny person or organization that requests for information from AIIB through the appropriate channel via AIIB’s electronic request form, by mail or via email. will be provided an explanation for the decision. For purposes of this Directive, a Working DayFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). is a day when the Bank’s headquarters are open for business; it does not include weekend days or the Bank’s official holidays.

3.4   When considering requests for the disclosure of informationFor purposes of the PPI, information means all information held by AIIB that can be read and communicated physically and electronically in any form or format., the Bank shall at all times take into account the Governing Principles and Exceptions to Disclosure Requirements provided under the PPI.

3.5   InformationFor purposes of the PPI, information means all information held by AIIB that can be read and communicated physically and electronically in any form or format. shared with the Bank originating from a third party and classified as “Official Use Only” or “Restricted” or “Strictly Confidential” in accordance with the Directive on the Information Classification System or provided by a third party on the understanding of confidentiality, is not disclosed without the consent of the party providing the informationFor purposes of the PPI, information means all information held by AIIB that can be read and communicated physically and electronically in any form or format.. However, if such informationFor purposes of the PPI, information means all information held by AIIB that can be read and communicated physically and electronically in any form or format. is already in the public domain or if the Bank has previously publicly disclosed such informationFor purposes of the PPI, information means all information held by AIIB that can be read and communicated physically and electronically in any form or format., a request for disclosure shall be granted. If, upon the application of the PPI, the DG COM determines that such information should nevertheless be disclosed by the Bank in accordance with the PPI’s Governing Principles, the DG COM shall consult with the relevant Manager as well as with originator of such informationFor purposes of the PPI, information means all information held by AIIB that can be read and communicated physically and electronically in any form or format.. The DG COM shall seek the agreement of the originator to disclose. If agreement to disclose is not forthcoming, the DG COM may refer this matter to a Working Group in accordance with Section 2.2 of this Directive.

3.6   The Bank shall not be required to comply with blanket requests, or with any request that would require the Bank to create, develop, or collate informationFor purposes of the PPI, information means all information held by AIIB that can be read and communicated physically and electronically in any form or format. or data that does not already exist or is not available in its records management system.


4.1   An external party whose initial request to the Bank for informationFor purposes of the PPI, information means all information held by AIIB that can be read and communicated physically and electronically in any form or format. has been denied, shall have access to an appeal mechanism with the Managing Director of the Complaints-resolution, Evaluation and Integrity Unit (MD-CEIU) if the requesterAny person or organization that requests for information from AIIB through the appropriate channel via AIIB’s electronic request form, by mail or via email.: (a) demonstrates that the initial request for informationFor purposes of the PPI, information means all information held by AIIB that can be read and communicated physically and electronically in any form or format. was submitted in accordance with the required procedures set forth in this Directive; and (b) provides a reasonable argument that: (i) the Bank has violated the PPI by declining to disclose the informationFor purposes of the PPI, information means all information held by AIIB that can be read and communicated physically and electronically in any form or format. requested; or (ii) a legitimate interest served by disclosure of informationFor purposes of the PPI, information means all information held by AIIB that can be read and communicated physically and electronically in any form or format. covered by an exception to disclosure outweighs the harm arising from the disclosure of such informationFor purposes of the PPI, information means all information held by AIIB that can be read and communicated physically and electronically in any form or format..

4.2   All appeals must be submitted in writing to the MD-CEIU within 60 Working Days after the initial request for information has been denied. Appeals received beyond this 60 Working Day period shall not be considered.

4.3   The MD-CEIU shall recuse themselves in the event of a conflict of interest and be replaced for the purposes of such appeal by an independent public information expert appointed by the President.

4.4   The MD-CEIU (or the independent public information For purposes of the PPI, information means all information held by AIIB that can be read and communicated physically and electronically in any form or format. expert, as the case may be) shall: (a) acknowledge receipt of the request for review not later than five Working DaysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). following such receipt; and (b) recommend to the President not later than 30 Working Days after receipt of the request for review whether or not to disclose the requested information For purposes of the PPI, information means all information held by AIIB that can be read and communicated physically and electronically in any form or format..

4.5   The President shall issue a final decision to the requesterAny person or organization that requests for information from AIIB through the appropriate channel via AIIB’s electronic request form, by mail or via email. no later than 15 Working DaysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after receipt of the recommendation from the MD-CEIU (or independent public information expert, as the case may be).

4.6   With respect to initial requests for informationFor purposes of the PPI, information means all information held by AIIB that can be read and communicated physically and electronically in any form or format. that are denied by the Bank but then allowed by the President in whole or in part, the requester’sAny person or organization that requests for information from AIIB through the appropriate channel via AIIB’s electronic request form, by mail or via email. sole remedy shall be receipt of the requested information.


5.1   The DG COM shall be responsible for the issuance of the Administrative Guidance related to this Directive.

Disclosure: Information proactively disclosed by AIIB

Trigger for Disclosure Obligation
Financial Information
Audited annual financial statements, including special funds and trust funds
Three working days1For purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the Board of Governors.
Unaudited condensed quarterly financial statements
Three working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the President.
Institutional Information
(1) Basic Documents
Articles of Agreement and Report on the Articles of Agreement
Upon any effective change.
Upon any effective change.
Rules of Procedure of the Board of Governors
Upon any effective change.
Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors
Upon any effective change.
Code of Conduct for Board Officials
Upon any effective change.
Code of Conduct for Bank Personnel
Upon any effective change.
Headquarters Agreement
Upon any effective change.
(2) Governance
Members of the Bank and the voting power of each
Upon any effective change.
Name and position of members of the Board of Governors
Upon the formal appointment by the relevant Member.
Resolutions of the Board of Governors
Three working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval.
Date, Venue and thematic program of the Annual Meeting of Board of Governors
Three working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval.
Summary of Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Board of Governors
Three working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval.
Composition of Bank constituencies
After formal notification of changes to the Bank by the relevant Member.
Name and nationality of members of the Board of Directors
Upon effective nomination and appointment.
Minutes of Board of Directors meetings
Three working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval of the minutes by the Board of Directors.
Indicative Dates of Future Meetings of the Board of Directors
Three working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the Chair of the Board of Directors.
Term of Reference and Membership of the Committees of the Board of Directors
Three working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the Board of Directors.
Organizational chart
Three working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the President.
Introduction of all members of senior management
Three working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the President.
Names and Biography of the Panelists of the International Advisory Panel (IAPs)
Three working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after formal notification to the Bank of changes.
(3) Amendments to Current Strategies, Policies, Directives and Other Documents
Accountability Framework
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the Board of Directors.
Business Plan and Budget Summary
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays).after approval by the Board of Directors.
Project-affected People
Policy on the Project-affected People’s Mechanism
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the Board of Directors.
Directive on the Project-affected People’s Mechanism
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the President.
Rules of Procedure of the Project-affected People’s Mechanism
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the MD-CEIU.
Environment & Social
Environmental and Social Policy
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the Board of Directors.
Directive on Environmental and Social Policy
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the President.
Information Management
Policy on Public Information
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the Board of Directors.
Directive on Public Information
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the President.
Quarterly Report on the Policy on Public Information
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after circulation to the Board of Directors.
Directive on Records and Information Management
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the President.
Directive on the Information Classification System
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the President.
Sector Strategies
Energy Sector Strategy
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the Board of Directors.
Transport Sector Strategy
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the Board of Directors.
Sustainable Cities Strategy
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the Board of Directors.
Financing Strategies
Strategy on Mobilizing Private Capital for Infrastructure and its Technical Note
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the Board of Directors.
Strategy on Financing Operations in Non-Regional Members and its Technical Note
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the Board of Directors.
Strategy for Investing in Equity
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the Board of Directors.
Financing Policies
Operational Policy on Financing
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the Board of Directors.
General Conditions for Sovereign-backed Loans
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the Board of Directors.
Sovereign-backed Loan and Guarantee Pricing
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the Board of Directors.
Directive on Sovereign-backed and Non-sovereign-backed Financings
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the President.
Operational Policy on International Relations
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the Board of Directors.
Special Fund
Rules and Regulations of the AIIB Project Preparation Special Fund
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the Board of Directors.
Directive on the Use of Resources of the AIIB Project Preparation Special Fund
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the President.
Prohibited Practices
Policy on Prohibited Practices
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the Board of Directors.
Directive on Policy on Prohibited Practices
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the President.
Procurement - Project Related
Procurement Policy
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the Board of Directors.
Directive on Operations Procurement
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the President.
Interim Operational Directive on Procurement Instructions for Recipients
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the President.
Procurement - Corporate Related
Policy on Corporate Procurement
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). approval by the Board of Directors.
Directive on Corporate Procurement
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the President.
Corporate Procurement Annual Report
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after circulation to the Board of Directors.
General Terms and Conditions (Goods, Services and Consulting Services)
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the Director General, Facilities and Administration.
Risk Management Framework
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the President.
Directive on the Risk Appetite Framework
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the President.
Directive on Sovereign Risk Rating
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the President.
Directive on Market Risk Management
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the President.
Directive on Liquidity Risk Management
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the President./div>
Directive on Counterparty Credit Risk Management
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the President.
Directive on Model Risk Management
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the President.
Directive on Operational Risk Management
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the President.
Directive on Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the President.
Directive on Capital Adequacy and Stress Testing
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the President.
Directive on Loss Provisioning Policy
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the President.
Asset Liability Management Policy
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the Board of Directors.
Directive on Valuation of Financial Instruments
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the President.
Directive on Internal Control over Financial Reporting
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the President.
The Rules of Procedure of the Ethics Committee
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the Board of Directors.
Directive on Ethical Standards of Conduct
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the Board of Directors.
Internal Management
Policy on Compensation and Benefits
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the Board of Directors.
Directive on Designation of Signatory Authority
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the President.
Directive on Business Continuity
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the President.
Directive on Official Travel
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the President.
Directive on Security and Safety
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the President.
Staff Rules
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the Board of Directors.
Directive on Asset Management
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the President.
Directive on Information Technology Security for Bank Personnel
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the President.
Directive on Protection Against Retaliation
10 working daysFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). after approval by the President.
Operational Information
Nonsovereign-backed Financing Project Summary Information (NSBF PSI)
As required by the Directive on Sovereign-backed and Nonsovereign-backed Financings:
  • The initial NSBF PSI is disclosed on the working dayFor purposes of the PPI, a working day is one when AIIB’s headquarters are open for business (does not include weekends and AIIB’s official holidays). immediately following the Final Review, or at such later date authorized by the Investment Committee in accordance with the Directive.
  • If the NSBF PSI needs updating as a result of material changes to the Project, the updated NSBF PSI is disclosed prior to approval of these changes.
Sovereign-backed Financing Project Summary Information (SBF PSI)
As required by the Directive on Sovereign-backed and Nonsovereign-backed Financings:
  • The initial SBF PSI is disclosed promptly after the Concept Review.
  • An updated SBF PSI is disclosed prior to the Appraisal Review.
  • If the SBF PSI needs updating as a result of material changes to the Project, the updated SBF PSI is disclosed prior to approval of these changes.
Sovereign-backed Financing Project Document (SBF PD)
As required by the Directive on Sovereign-backed and Nonsovereign-backed Financings, the SBF PD is disclosed promptly after approval of the Financing.
Sovereign-backed Financing Project Implementation Monitoring Report (SBF PIMR)
As required by the Directive on Sovereign-backed and Nonsovereign-backed Financings, SBF PIMRs are disclosed.
Client’s draft environmental and social documentation – Non-sovereign-backed Financing (NSBF)
As required by the Directive on Environmental and Social Policy and Directive on Sovereign-backed and Nonsovereign-backed Financings, the draft environmental and social documentation is disclosed by the Bank as part of the NSBF PSI; updates are disclosed as they become available; material changes or additions to the disclosed environmental and social information for the project are disclosed as soon as such information becomes available, and in any event prior to approval of such change.
Client’s draft environmental and social documentation – Sovereign-backed Financing (SBF)
As required by the Directive on Environmental and Social Policy and Directive on Sovereign-backed and Nonsovereign-backed Financings, the draft environmental and social documentation is disclosed by the Bank as part of the SBF PSI prior to the Appraisal Review; updates are disclosed as they become available; material changes or additions to the disclosed environmental and social information for the project are disclosed as soon as such information becomes available, and in any event prior to approval of such change.
Project Procurement Information
As required by the Directive on Operations Procurement, AIIB publishes timely procurement notices on the Bank’s website.

As required by the Interim Operational Directive on Procurement Instructions for Recipients, the Bank publishes, on a regular basis, a description of Bank-financed contracts awarded, the name and nationality of the entity to which the contract was awarded and the contract price.

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