To contribute to urban mobility improvement in the National Capital Region (NCR) and key areas along the Laguna de Bay.
The Laguna Lakeshore Road Network (LLRN) Program comprises about 37.4 kilometers (km) expressway from Lower Bicutan in NCR to Calamba in Laguna Province, consisting of (i) 11.7 km long viaduct from Lower Bicutan to Tunasan; and (ii) 25.7km long combination of shoreline viaduct and embankment from Tunasan to Calamba. The expressway will be an access-controlled road with eight interchanges, with an access road at each interchange to connect to the existing road networks. The Program will also finance capacity building activities to improve the government’s operation and maintenance (O&M) and administration/management capacities for LLRN and large-scale interchanges. The Program is expected to be financed in three phases.
The Project is the first phase of the Program and will finance the first group of the civil works and consulting service contracts awarded under the Program.
The Program/Project will be co-financed with ADB as lead co-financier, and the Program/Project’s environmental and social (E&S) risks and impacts are being assessed in accordance with ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS). To ensure a harmonized approach to addressing the E&S risks and impacts of the Program/Project, and as permitted under AIIB’s Environmental and Social Policy (ESP), ADB’s SPS will apply to the Program/Project in lieu of AIIB’s ESP. ADB has categorized the E&S risks of the Program/Project as Category A for Environment, A for Involuntary Resettlement, and C for Indigenous Peoples (which are equivalent to Category A if AIIB’s ESP were applicable). The category is based on risks due to large-scale construction activities and significant impacts on marine ecosystems and displacement of Project-affected Peoples (PAPs).
LLRN’s alignment will be along the Laguna de Bay and 11.7 km long viaduct from Lower Bicutan to Tunasan and 25.7km long combination of shoreline viaduct and embankment from Tunasan to Calamba. The main expected environmental impacts are the following: 1) Dredging impacts specifically on water quality and biodiversity, 2) Potential impact on critical habitats, 3) Impacts on the lakeshore community during construction of access roads and slipways, 4) climate change impacts related to extreme rainfall. The involuntary resettlement impacts are likely to be significant land acquisition will be required for the road network, comprised of viaducts and embankments, including the proposed interchanges, which will require the construction of slip roads and link roads. As the proposed interchanges are in a highly built-up area, significant impacts to households involving relocation and/or loss of income are expected.
An Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) study is currently being prepared in accordance with ADB’s SPS. National environmental regulations have also categorized the project as Category A and have required the drafting of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). In addition, the involuntary resettlement impacts are likely to be significant, hence the Program/Project is categorized A for involuntary resettlement in accordance with the ADB’s SPS. Corresponding mitigation measures in line with ADB’s SPS will be developed and integrated into Resettlement Plan (RP). Resettlement surveys for the connectivity roads, and associated facilities, will be undertaken and RP prepared to comply with the Program/Project resettlement framework.
The DPWH will conduct a comprehensive assessment of the impact of the Program/Project on the fishery-based livelihood and ensure adequate resources are available for preparing and implementing the livelihood restoration program (LRP). In addition, DPWH confirmed that there is no presence of indigenous peoples or indigenous communities, as described in ADB’s SPS, in the project area. The Program/Project is likely to be category C for indigenous peoples impacts and this will be confirmed during due diligence.
Corresponding mitigation measures to the E&S risks and impacts will be developed and integrated into an Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP). The ESMP will include guidance to prepare a Workers’ Accommodation Management Plan and to address Gender-Based Violence (GBV). All E&S documents such as ESIA, ESMP and LARP will be disclosed timely in English and the summaries of those documents in local understandable language on AIIB and DPWH’s websites.
The overall responsibility for monitoring Program results and data collection of Project results indicators rests with the Unified Project Management Office (UPMO). Detailed E&S monitoring and reporting format of the Program/Project will be discussed and determined with UPMO during the appraisal stage.
A Project Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) will be established in accordance with the requirements of ADB’s SPS. In addition, a separate GRM will also be established to address workplace complaints and concerns. Locally appropriate public consultation at the barangay level and disclosure process will be used to disseminate information about the GRM. The information of the project-level GRM and ADB’s independent accountability mechanism (IAM) will be included in the ESIA and LARP and other E&S documents and disseminated to the PAPs.
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
Jin Wang
Senior Investment Operations Specialist – Transport
Asian Development Bank
Shuji Kimura
Senior Transport Specialist
Republic of the Philippines
Mark Dennis Y.C. Joven
Undersecretary, Department of Finance
Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH)
Emil K. Sadain
Senior Undersecretary, DPWH
Home Projects Project Summary Project List Project Details Philippines: Laguna Lakeshore Road Network (Phase 1) Project