The objective is to increase the power generation capacity of renewable geothermal resources.
The Project consists of the construction of three additional geothermal power plant (GPP) units, including their associated production and reinjection wells, pipelines, electricity switchyards and transmission lines.
For more information about project financing, please review the project summary.
The Gürmat-2 GPP Expansion Project comprising Efe-6, Efe-7 and Efe-8 GPP units will be co-financed with the EBRD and has been prepared in accordance with the EBRD Environmental and Social Policy (EBRD E&S Policy) and the EBRD Performance Requirements (EBRD PRs). The Project is in Category “A", in accordance with the EBRD E&S Policy, due to risks associated with the over-ground network of connecting pipelines, their location near populated areas and agricultural land, cumulative land take of the Company’s geothermal power plants and operational carbon dioxide (CO2) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) emissions. Indirect, cumulative and induced social impacts related to these risks may affect areas larger than the sites or facilities subject to physical works and planned operations of the Project.
Please review the project summary for additional information.
Home Projects Project Summary Project List Project Details Türkiye: Efeler 97.6MWE Geothermal Power Plant Expansion Project