The objective is to increase access to and improve the quality and efficiency of the electricity supply in selected areas of Western Nepal.
The Project comprises 21 geographically distinct subprojects within the Government’s Electrification Program for Western Nepal, together consisting of the following three components:
Component One: Construction of 33kV supply lines and 33/11kV substations (including upgrade of existing facilities where needed). This component comprises activities relating to (i) the construction of new primary substations and related facilities, and (ii) the extension to the 33kV network providing supply to these substations. In some instances, where needed, the existing 33kV lines would be augmented by the increase of conductor size or number of circuits
Component Two: Construction of 11kV lines, distribution transformers, low-voltage (LV) supply lines including consumer connections. This component comprises activities related to the new power distribution facilities required to bring the power supply to the end consumers. It consists of new 11kV feeders, installation of distribution transformers, development of the LV network and service connections to consumers.
Component Three: Capacity Building, Project Implementation Support, and Technical Assistance. This component focuses on improving the capacity of NEA’s distribution planning and analyzes the network performance of the proposed project components. This component will also support the independent supervision and monitoring of project implementation. AIIB will support technical assistance, utilizing the geographical information systems (GIS) planning software already acquired and financed under AIIB’s Project Preparation Special Fund.
For more information about project financing, please review the project summary.
AIIB’s Environmental and Social Policy (ESP), including the Environment and Social Standards, and Environmental and Social Exclusion List, is applicable to the Project. The Project has been assigned a Category B in accordance with the ESP.
The final Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) has been disclosed in English by AIIB and NEA. The Nepali translation of the Executive Summary of the ESMF, the Resettlement Planning Framework (RPF) and the Indigenous Peoples Planning Framework (IPPF), and Entitlement Matrix is also disclosed. These documents are disclosed on the following websites: AIIB website and NEA website.
Some land acquisition will be required for the construction of proposed substations and for securing the right-of-way for distribution lines. Potential social impacts include economic displacement of both titled and non-titled land owners resulting from the land acquisition, as well as potential impacts to the livelihoods of Indigenous Peoples. Both the RPF and IPPF will guide the preparation of site-specific Resettlement Action Plans (RAPs) and Indigenous Peoples Plans (IPPs).
Bijaya Sen Khadka
Project Manager, Distribution & Consumer Services Directorate, NEA
Home Projects Project Summary Project List Project Details Nepal: Power Distribution System Upgrade and Expansion Project