The objective is to support the development of both the fiber backbone network and the metro network in Cambodia.
By building out the fiber optic cable backbone and the metro network across the country, the project is expected to support increased access to telecom services in both rural and urban areas. On the one hand, it will provide greater capacity for the operators in the telecommunication sector, and on the other hand, it will improve both outdoor and indoor coverage for service providers.
For more information about project financing, please review the project summary.
The Project has been prepared in accordance with the Bank’s Environmental and Social Policy (ESP) and Environmental and Social Standards (ESS). It has been assigned Category “B” given the limited scope of potential environmental and social risks and impacts. The Project-affected People’s Mechanism (PPM) applies to this Project (see “Independent Accountability Mechanism” below). An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the Land Cable Project in Khmer and an Environmental Impact Assessment for the Submarine Cable Project in English was prepared for the Project, and a Non-Technical Summary (NTS) of the EIA was prepared in English. Additionally, CFOCN has developed an Environmental and Social Management Plan that details mitigation measures for minimizing negative impacts. These documents have been posted on the AIIB and Client websites. Key environmental risks and impacts arising from the project relate to occupational health and safety, waste management (primarily spoil from trenching and backfilling), and air emissions from dust during construction, vehicle exhaust, and stationary equipment such as generators. Most of the fiber optic cable backbone will be routed within the existing right-of-way (ROW) along existing public utilities, and land acquisition is not currently anticipated as part of the project. Additionally, although various indigenous groups exist across Cambodia, the construction and maintenance of the FOC is not expected to result in the transformation, encroachment or degradation of indigenous lands or associated livelihoods. Public consultation was conducted with project stakeholders during the EIA process. The company has developed a Stakeholder Engagement Plan, and has created a calendar for 2019 in Khmer, which includes an introduction to the company and its contact information. To date, 130,000 copies of the calendar have been distributed to local communities. A project-level Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) has been developed, which includes multiple channels for stakeholders to raise grievances to CFOCN; a process for investigating and responding to grievances; and a stakeholder database to record and track communications.
Home Projects Project Summary Project List Project Details Cambodia: Fiber Optic Communication Network Project