Time: October 28, 2021, 2-3:30 p.m. (GMT+8)

Green Transition in Emerging and Developing Countries

The Middle East with its vast fossil fuel resources and renewable energy potential will experience a major transformation to meet global climate ambitions and carbon-neutrality pledges. This webinar gathered leaders and practitioners from across the world about their vision for a net zero carbon future and opportunities for financing green infrastructure.

The panel comprised ministers, central bankers, green finance experts, business leaders and other distinguished guests to leverage their collective wisdom and experience in the three areas critical for green transition: technology, finance and policy.

We asked: Where are countries on their journey to net zero carbon? How will finance and government policies shape corporate sector incentives to adopt green technologies and encourage greater private sector financing? How to make the financial sector care about green transition? What are new business opportunities? What can we learn from each other? What’s the role of MDBs?


  • Rania Al-Mashat, Minister of International Cooperation, Egypt
  • Nasser Yassin, Minister of Environment, Lebanon
  • Aisha Al Abdooli, Ministry of Climate Change & Environment, UAE
  • Erik Berglof, Chief Economist, AIIB
  • Jean-Jacques Barbéris, Executive Committee Member, Amundi
  • Ma Jun, Chairman, China Green Finance Committee
  • Francesco La Camera, Director General, IRENA